5 min readDec 27, 2018

One ECO of your EGO: stripped & feed up

“Two justice fighters have joined”.

Imagine the picture of the story’s freedom fighter (solid woman): Robin Hood. Hypersensitive creatures like human fable animals. Those who, in a silent protest, rather bite together and allow the pain of captivity in their own body, than to yield to false living. The clarity of communication has its origins in other frequencies and dimensions. With reverence and respect, they help them in need. Empathy is the shield not to give in to collective punishment.

Hiding behind the lens.

Gas Lightning is the destroying force.

When the world therefore points and paints you as the eternal TRASH ereal …. Sometimes it happens that they lose their minds in despair about what their bodily & ornate language really says. What do they know; which we do not know?

What do we know; as they do not see?

The offensive behavior of the environment is not an illusion. Absorbent abnormalities from normality and wit often happen to hypersensitivity. The eternal feeling of not being heard on real rodents. In fact, nobody believes in these dramatic and often sick stories. For real. The collective egoism sees only what it wants to see and its physical bodies act like troops at a given signal. DESTROY purity.

Overweight of negative EGOs creates melancholy living and hopelessness for change. Outside the window, at the same time, the universe is spinning faster and in pace with THE technological evolution. A new era starts and we live in uncertainty about tomorrow’s existence. We are moved up with the roots and floating freely in wi-fi Galactic spheres. Surreal meta events poison our acceptance and the ground bubbles. War? Ice Age? Bomb? Nazism? Islamic State? UFO? No one can answer and it creates a global fear. Fear has hatred. Hat wrong decision. wrong decision Collapse.

We all know that we all die, but none of us want to be demolished prematurely. However, we destroy ourselves by creating hostility and distancing.


We want to show the other side of the coin. REVOLUTION in the form of resuming the Revolution of Peace from the strongly revolutionary masses of the 1970s. Scandinavia is black and white. Is it the brain of the mentally ill? Undress the stigma of an OUTSIDER. How can we create happiness by surprise and see benefit as a pleasure? Away from pessimism and into positivity!

We therefore know that many feel lonely, outside, hopeless, denied and misunderstood. At the bottom is often a shame and a grief and screech. Emotions and sealed memories are deeply rooted and denied in our innermost corners. The monster that colors everyday black is your ego and the ego is a bastard to handle, balance and communicate with .. our own MOTHERFUCKER lump.

Trying to fit into the perspective of a utopian nuclear family and well-paid office life with high standards and eternal security slowly takes us to death and on the lush land we go on. New, modern and more, more more contributes to superficiality and ignorance. The laziness is striking, the society’s psychological ENTIRE effort: the medication and the constant influence of medialization, strategies are to let the gray mass become manageable. 100% profit 100% non humanity.

This Story can be described as “The involuntary TRASH derelias advancing in the Ego country” aka. (“Oh oh we are trouble LET)” or “CRACK erella attacks:

Appointed Trubbel tramplers who are forced to live in the dark but still never fear the brightest light. Problems meet with Empathy and love. Always left. Bleeding hearts that cool a lot of shit, kicked down and constantly chopped down by our greatest killer. Jealousy. The displeasure of others’ happiness and success slowly kills the hope of those who say YES and to those who do not hesitate.

Now we are tired of SABOTAGE and false compassion. Sometimes you have to believe the self is stupid or was the friendship already far away?

All oppressed reactions converge in a painful understanding and acceptance of what eternal obstacles to life can accomplish.

Im here.


The disappointment is now a tool. Knowledge that helps to take the next step and the next step. We see the little as much as the big one and highly value a genuine act, selfless action and clear communication. No more shame or multiple commitment on the data of others. Everything for wanting to be a good polar, or constantly striving to facilitate and streamline, for others and for what I thought was us. Always. Left again. Alone. The object, sex appeal as the only successful lot. Jealousy, severed bands and new life adventures. Transform and create. This turmoil of obstacle course to life gave thought to life, action and passion for a new, welcoming & multi-flourishing Culture House (and whatever it added).

We believe in challenging the self

Being in OPEN locations where we are developing and exploring. We all have pages with us that we are told to close the doors to. Pages that are ugly and that should be silenced. What happens if we open the doors? Challenges the collective truth for what is right and wrong. Let go of each other in the hidden. Let each other express what we otherwise choke. What does it get for expression and how does it affect us?

Being connected to each other. Even if it’s just for the moment. Real meetings.

Remembering that we do not need to listen to the emotions that arise. We get to feel both inspired and sad. It is ok with contradiction. There may be conflict. There is nothing right or wrong, kind or stupid, evil or good, we or them.


I think of belonging and that we seem to strive for places to call home, or experienced as one. That we are looking for groups where we feel community and meet them with equal values. A safety. But what about them as regardless of the number of attempts to find the community and their affiliation fail time and again. The people fighting in the gray zones. The people who are looking for new expressions and are constantly changing. Development. Curiosity.

What would happen if we hack the code behind affiliation?

Determines that it instead describes a common feeling and willingness to be true and uncolored by surroundings. That that feeling becomes belonging instead of the same framework over how we perceive the world. A feeling that gives strength to being true to oneself. That different can be perceived to be as good as equal. Basically, we are still alike. Everyone is from the same mother. The human being is the same. We are all sisters and brothers. Different takes us forward. Enriches our perceptions and challenges our standards from society.


SELF EXPRESSION through creative writing, abstract living, the life of the multifunctional artist, life bumps and cheer jumps! VAGABONDA for knowledge.